Sunday 3 June 2018


The Article 50 challenge to the notification that Theresa May sent over a year ago is about to hit the news. The Independent picked up the story HERE. This is the Wolchover argument, that there has never been a "constitutional" decision to leave the EU. The case was filed on Friday in the High Court and is bound to cause absolute fury in the pro Brexit press. The case is due to be heard on 12th June.

I am very pleased to say I was one of the 6000 or so people who made a small contribution to the crowdfunding case.

Read the basic legal case on the Wolchover Action Group page HERE. As soon as our legal counsel publish their specific legal papers, as they will shortly, I'll put a link on this blog.

The challenge comes as the General Court of the EU agrees to hear a challenge from ex pat Britons in Europe who had lived in Europe for more than 15 years and were denied a vote in the referendum (HERE). A French lawyer is in charge of the case, which also has the prospect of Brexit being declared illegal. This case will be heard on July 5th and will cause uproar among the Brexiteers who hate the ECJ almost as much as the Commission. 

What The Daily Mail will have to say about it we can only guess, but you can be assured it will not be pleasant.