Saturday 9 June 2018


Well, the 69th poll in the WhatUKthinks series has been published (HERE) and shows RIGHT and WRONG are level! This is in answer to the question: Was the UK right or wrong to vote to leave the EU. It is the first time since the end of August last year that the two sides have been level in the poll and compares to the one earlier this week showing a 7% lead for WRONG. 

The question now is, is this poll an outrider or was the last one?

We can still say that RIGHT has not led since July 2017 and while this latest poll is disappointing, I think (and hope) that it is a blip. 

YouGov look at the rolling average of the last three polls to iron out variations in individual polls so I think we are still comfortably ahead. 

Also, note this article by YouGov (HERE) indicates the biggest change among voters since this time last year has been among those who (a) voted leave in 2016 and (b) voted Labour in 2017. Since the referendum 14% of these have changed their mind. Another 15% now say they don't know - meaning I presume, that they are on the way to changing their mind or wouldn't vote in a new referendum or are persuadable. This is getting on for a third of of the cohort. 

And 71% of this group think the government is doing a bad job in the negotiations - a figure that is only likely to increase. Keep smiling!