Tuesday 5 June 2018


There is a dangerous narrative developing which the EU and remainers here need to be very careful of. This is the notion that Brexit is a marvellous plan to give the British people a bright Utopian future but is somehow being thwarted by people who are unbelievers. 

Sammy Wilson, the DUP MP in dismissing Max Fac 2, claims the original Max Fac 1 will work with a bit of help from Lars Karlsson, the man who wrote Smart borders 2.0 for the EU parliament . He said (HERE) the EU "need to stop dismissing the perfectly feasible ideas that were put forward in August of last year".  Meanwhile, Jacob Rees-Mogg is collaborating with The Daily Express to claim the Swiss border is the answer if only the EU would stop messing about and playing political games. 

The Express (HERE) say:

Hold-ups [at the Swiss border] are a rarity for both domestic and heavy good vehicles. Border guards evaluate the bulk of traffic based on intelligence and risk with around one in 10 cars pulled over for security checks. The Daily Express reporting team crossed the busy border into Germany and back again without any delay.

They are sowing seeds in the public mind that none of the problems identified so far are actually problems at all. If only the EU and the remainer civil service would get behind Brexit and stop blocking progress, we could be out of the EU and prospering before you know it. To an old cynic like me, it looks as if they're preparing the ground to heap the blame for the Brexiteers humiliation onto someone else.

Not only do they refuse to accept the solutions proposed so far for the customs/border issue are impractical and unworkable, they continue to push them at every opportunity. I hope someone, somewhere is busy preparing some simple graphics to show at least some leave voters that Brexiteer plans for the border are, like so much of Brexit, a fantasy.  Otherwise, when Brexit is averted or reversed there will be seething resentment that we have somehow been denied.

Some Brexiteers will never accept the EU but we can at least make sure their ideas for Brexit are totally discredited.

You might want to read the article by Professor Chris Grey (HERE) about Brexiteers now running away from te consequences of what they have inflicted on us.