Monday 9 July 2018


I think we should consider what use to make of the word brexit when it's finally redundant. My personal preference would be to see it enter our national lexicon as a noun meaning a contract knowingly signed without having read the terms and conditions, or where the fine print was totally ignored and the aggrieved party decided to just wing it and hope for the best.

Thus, when faced with a lengthy legal document, of the kind you get when you install software on your computer or buy a house, instead of having a simple binary choice to accept or not, when it says something like, "I have read and understood the terms and conditions" you get a third choice. This will say "Brexit" and in legal terms will be taken to mean:

I am knowingly and wilfully ignoring all the terms and conditions set out and wish to go ahead regardless. I have not read any of the fine print at all and am quite happy to accept the consequences of my failure to understand the details of this legally binding contract notwithstanding the results may be catastrophic for me, my family and my entire way of life, now and in the future. 

Later, when it all goes disastrously wrong and you are bankrupted and thrown out onto the street, you are asked how it happened you can say that the contract was a brexit, because you couldn't be bothered to learn what it actually meant.

It will allow the authorities to differentiate between those of us who say we've read the terms and conditions when we haven't, and therefore haven't got a leg to stand on, and the others who are reckless and stupid enough to sign and openly admit they haven't read the details. They also will have no leg to stand on but will at least have the satisfaction of knowing they've answered the question honestly.


1. A contract entered into without knowledge or understanding of the consequences
"The contract was a brexit so he didn't receive what he had paid for"

2. An agreement where the fine print or the terms and conditions were wilfully and knowingly ignored.
"They later discovered the brexit contract meant nothing that was promised was to actually be delivered"

synonyms: worthless, pointless, useless, stupid, ridiculous, insanity