Friday 13 July 2018


President Trump has caused quite a controversy by entering the Brexit debate and suggesting the Chequers agreement is not what people voted for. I assume this is Farage's doing. The Sun are carrying an interview with Trump (HERE) and seem quite relaxed about the fool in the White House sticking his nose into our affairs, something they were rather annoyed by when Obama (patently not a fool) did the same in 2016. It caused a bit of a furore at the time. I assume The Sun isn't being a tad hypocritical is it?

He also praised that other blonde imbecile Boris Johnson, saying he "would make a great prime minister". He said BoJo had said some very nice things about him in the past. I assume he was talking about the time Boris described Trump as "clearly out of his mind" and "unfit for office" (HERE). Mind you for Trump this is praise indeed. And compared to Trump, BoJo would make a great prime minister - although this is not saying very much.

Trump is dangling a future trade deal with the US but says the new White Paper will prevent it. This is not true, it's the higher EU food standards we have that will be the sticking point. If we want to lower them we can probably get a deal but it would inflict severe damage on UK farming and have us eating chlorine washed chicken and hormone fed beef.

And it comes on the day that Johnson & Johnson, an American company were ordered to pay $4.69 billion dollars in damages (HERE) for using asbestos in its healthcare products and giving some women cancer.

Older readers may remember Union Carbide and the Bhopal disater (HERE) where 500,000 people were exposed to methyl isocyanate gas. The immediate death toll was 2,259 and was finally confirmed at 3,787. This is not even to mention the American tobacco companies who consistently denied any connection between smoking and lung cancer

We also have Monsanto and their dogged pursuit of GM foods which we will no doubt be forced to eat.

If we enjoy a trade deal with the USA, this is what we have to look forward to.