Saturday 25 August 2018


The 82nd poll in the WhatUKthinks series was published yesterday showing a big 6% lead for WRONG at 47% - 41%.  This is in response to the question: In hindsight was the UK right or wrong to vote to leave the EU?  See the actual graph and table HERE.  If you remove the don't knows, the result is 53%-47%, exactly the same as the latest polls by ComRes and others by YouGov which ask how people would vote if a second referendum was held.

In the last 12 months there have been 43 polls in total with WRONG ahead in 40 of them and two level. RIGHT was in front by 1% just once eight months ago.

The latest figures are:

Total No of polls since August 2016: 82

Polls with RIGHT IN THE LEAD: 28 - (22 in the first 27 polls)

Polls with WRONG IN THE LEAD: 45 - (40 in the last 43 polls)

Even: 9

Last time RIGHT was in the lead: 17th January 2018

Neglecting don't knows support for RIGHT is at a low of 47% which it has reached on only three previous occasions - all in the last couple of months. We will soon see the first  54% - 46% in this series in my opinion.

I think most people are rational, although many of them are gullible and want to believe things are true even if they aren't. All the lies told during the referendum campaign had the desired effect. They persuaded a lot of voters. I see this constantly in the comments section of the BBC and other media websites. The commenters are still parroting nonsense picked up from Gove, Johnson and the other nutters two years ago. I have always believed given a classroom, a blackboard, access to the internet and a group of reasonable leave voters, I could persuade most of them to change their mind.

Convincing people of the truth can take a bit of doing. Far easier to convince them about a lie if it reinforces a long held prejudice of theirs. But in the long run, the truth is more solid and if you're unable to convince somebody about something which is true, they are probably never going to be convinced. More importantly, those you do convince become stronger advocates for your side, especially those who feel strongly about being duped.

So, as time goes on as the great juggernaut of truth advances week by week and slowly crushes the fragile pack of Brexiteer lies more and more people will turn to remain. I am convinced of it.