The flow of bad Brexit news is turning from a trickle to a steady stream. The NFU is warning that Britain would run out of food by August 2019 if we are unable to continue to easily import food from Europe. The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners is saying the public will be put at risk in the event of a no deal Brexit where we are cut off from EU databases. A local government report says if the care sector cannot recruit EU workers women who work will have to give up their jobs to look after elderly relatives. The shipping industry is demanding clarity of what the future relationship will be so they can plan.
The pound slumped to an 11 month low against the euro - this is even reported in The Daily Express! And house builders are warning of a recruitment crisis caused by Brexit.
All this (and probably more) happened yesterday. Last week it was the potential chaos at Dover, the week before it was fears for the aviation industry and the car industry.
The steady stream will soon become a river and the river a flood. Even those with their hands over their ears will soon notice their feet are getting wet. And the pro-Brexit press and propagandists are beginning to look Canute like in their frantic efforts to find some optimistic news. How long can it go on? All of this must finally have an impact in the polling figures. It will soon become clear that SS Brexit is starting to list badly and all that reassuring advice from Brexiteers about not to worry, it's all scaremongering, will not be enough. It will be obvious the ship is headed for disaster.
I expect the second half of 2018 to be a watershed moment, politically, constitutionally and economically. The government is totally paralysed with Mrs May's ratings hitting a a new low while her approval figures for handling Brexit has also hit a record of just 22%.
It's hard to see how she is going to survive.
I expect the second half of 2018 to be a watershed moment, politically, constitutionally and economically. The government is totally paralysed with Mrs May's ratings hitting a a new low while her approval figures for handling Brexit has also hit a record of just 22%.
It's hard to see how she is going to survive.