Saturday 22 September 2018


I have given a lot of time and space to the WhatUKthinks series of polls asking if in hindsight the decision to leave the EU was right or wrong. You can see the latest of this series HERE. But YouGov have also been running another series asking if there was a referendum tomorrow on our EU membership, how would you vote? It's called the Eurotrak series and a link to it is on the right hand sidebar - see it HERE.

This series goes back much further than other polls, back to February 2012 in fact. The very first one had a 62% - 38% majority to LEAVE. I think this shows what a reckless gamble on the part of David Cameron the referendum was. It was pure hubris.

In total there have now been 73 polls.

The last time LEAVE had a majority was eighteen months ago in March 2017. Since then there have been 13 polls and REMAIN has been ahead in 11, with two level. 

This year (2018) so far REMAIN has never slipped below 52% in any one of the six polls conducted and most recently they have been at 53% - 47%. The latest was carried out on 22nd August and was 52% - 48%.

The tide is turning very slowly but unmistakably.