Saturday 15 September 2018


After calling John Moulton a prize pillock the other day (HERE) for saying Brexit was "far more complicated than I imagined", I see another prominent leave supporter has noted the downside to Brexit (HERE). Mr William Hynett who part owns the light aircraft maker Britten-Norman is now talking about having to move part of his operation to the US or another European country inside the EU. He was and weirdly still is a Brexiteer.

One of his company's planes flew around Britain towing a “Vote Leave” banner in the weeks before the June 2016 referendum with one flights over a memorial service for Jo Cox, an anti-Brexit member of parliament murdered by a Brexit supporter. The company said it hadn’t known about the service and apologised.

Now he is complaining that the government is making a hash of Brexit, as usual blaming the toilers not the task he set them. He says a lack of planning and clarity from the government is forcing Britten-Norman to be ready to shift some of its functions away from the UK.

But Hynett does not apologise for the stance it took. “Our position on Brexit hasn’t changed,” he said.I intend to give these regretters the prize pillock award, not for voting leave but for urging others to do it when it's now perfectly clear they had no idea of its impact.

If I was advising someone on a serious and far reaching move that was likely to change their life for years to come, I would have read much more about it so that before recommending it. People like Moulton and Hynett are so convinced of their own infallibility they didn't bother with the details. 
This is surely the story of Brexit.