Tuesday 16 October 2018


It is being reported by the BBC that no challenge to the PM is expected from the so-called pizza plotters (HERE), who met before cabinet this morning, because - wait for this - they couldn't agree what to do!! Yes, that's right, they could not reach an agreement. Who would have thought that? So, now we have a divided people, a divided party, a divided cabinet and now a divided cabal of eight plotters!! You could not make it up. But as a metaphor for Brexit that must be it.

I assume very shortly none of the Brexiteers will be able to agree with themselves!

The Independent are now reporting (HERE) that the EU 27 leaders will not be presented with the draft of the trade agreement this week and will not even consider it. The EU are taking a hard line and saying without a Withdrawal Agreement settled there cannot be any movement towards the future relationship. 

As I understand it, according to the PM yesterday, there has been progress in agreeing an outline of the non-binding political declaration so the fact that it won't be considered by leaders is just sending a message and doesn't really change much.