The People's Vote march obviously upset some of the Brexiteers since they've created a website - (HERE) - to try and debunk the 700,000 crowd figure. They claim the actual total was precisely 82,362 as if we had all passed through a turnstile. However, when you try to find out who created the site there is no information. Both the Home and About pages are exactly the same.
Also if you Google "counting crowds" you get no hits at all so it's not very old. The nearest is which is a legitimate website. So the person who did the work is so proud of it they don't want to be credited with it.
I don't doubt the 700,000 might have been exaggerated - but not by a factor of 8 or 9. Most of the mainstream media seem to have accepted the 700,000 figure as an estimate and I haven't seen any other serious commentator suggest it was wildly wrong.
So who did it? It would be interesting to know wouldn't it?