Friday 26 October 2018


IATA - the International Air Transport Association - have published a 91 page report (HERE) on the impact of Brexit on airlines flying in an out of the UK. The Guardian report on it HERE and say under a no deal scenario flights between the UK and Spain will be cut by 95%. However, I'm not that concerned about the actual report itself, troubling though it is, because it's only one of hundreds and hundreds of different "reports" or "studies" or "papers" prepared by governments, industry or lobby groups all desperately worried about Brexit.

No, what I was thinking about was Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson.

Because at the base of this massive and ever growing inverted pyramid of uncertainty, worry and despair are those two stupid men. Do they ever stop to think about all of the myriad problems that Brexit is throwing up for millions and millions of people right across Europe?  Probably not.

Johnson started the ball rolling with his columns in The Times and later The Telegraph full of misrepresentations about the EU, that is when they were not inventions, myths, total falsehoods or outright lies. BoJo never understood the EU and never tried to. 

Farage didn't found UKIP (this was a man named Alan Sked) but he built it up as a political movement to funnel the anti-EU sentiment that Johnson had created into a threat to the Conservative party from the right, using a lot of useful idiots - of which we never had a shortage of course.

These two stupid men are more responsible for Brexit than anyone. Responsible for the political, social, industrial, legal and constitutional upheaval that we are about to undergo through Brexit. To say nothing of the rancour, ill-feeling and divisions as well as the multi-trillion pound cost over the medium term. People are already heartily sick of hearing about Brexit and just want it to go away. But the terrible truth is that it has hardly begun. Brexit will be in the news and having real world impacts for at least the next ten years and possibly very much longer.

Do either of them lie awake at night and think about the monster they've unleashed and that cannot now be killed? I doubt it.

Because they are stupid men.