The more I read of Dr Richard North on his EU Referendum blog, the more he begins to sound like Oswald Moseley only more extreme. In a blog post he mentions the remainer Matthew Parris, a former Tory MP and now a Times columnist, who has suggested parliament should now take over Brexit and put the question back to the people. There are a lot of remainers reading North's blog and several of them commented on the Disqus thread, supporting Parris and provoking a furious response from the doctor.
This is his take (HERE) on British democracy and the role of MPs in response to a comment from someone called fingerbob6910 yesterday:
He begins:
"I'm sorry, but I just don't share this fantasy argument with Parris that parliament is supreme. Those idiots are there to do what we tell them to do. As it stands, the instruction is clear, in a system that is clear. We live by majority rule, and the majority voted for departure from the EU".
North genuinely thinks MPs are there to do what we tell them to do. He seems to think his fellow constituents are of a single mind on every subject, or at least there is a clear majority for every position. There isn't. MPs face a cacophony of different ideas and use their own judgement to decide what to do - plus of course the party manifesto on the main issues.
He goes on:
"Rather, I think it is time we grew up, and started stripping out the comfortable foundation myths that keep our peoples in a state of servility. MPs are no more representatives than pigs are horses. Bar a very few, MPs are the servants of the party machines that brought them into office, trading their own independence of thought for the chance of forming and participating in government.
"You can dress the role of MPs up in all sorts of high-flown rhetoric, but the blunt truth is that they are party hacks there to do the biding of their party managers. They are, effectively, representatives of their parties.
"Certainly, it is true, that they are not delegates (how could they be) but they are not representatives either. I did not vote for my MPs, I don't share her values and very little she has ever done meets with my approval. Had I the ability, I would have intervened to prevent virtually everything she counts as an achievement.
"But then, neither does this government represent me, my hopes or ambitions. I didn't vote for it ... we are not allowed to vote for our governments, and we don't vote for our prime ministers. Therefore, the idea that either MPs or government are representative is simply an arrogant convenience on the part of our political elites to justify their actions.
"As far as I am concerned, therefore, our constitution is fatally flawed, and our government lacks legitimacy. I am thus in the process of seeking change - currently by peaceful means. But I will decide where my personal battle lines lie, and what battles I choose to fight".
He doesn't think parliament is supreme, doesn't think MPs are our representatives, believes the constitution is fatally flawed and the government lacks legitimacy. He vows to fight it all - 'currently by peaceful means' which I assume means if remain wins a second vote he will begin open warfare against us. Wow! What a troubled and angry man he is. Deeply worrying isn't it?
One wonders why he fiddles around with something as trivial as Brexit and doesn't just opt for world revolution. Get the black shirts ready.