Monday 7 January 2019


The 102nd poll in the WhatUKthinks series has been published (HERE). It shows 48% think in hindsight the decision to leave the EU was WRONG. Just 40% think it was RIGHT. This is more or less in line with recent polls and the 8% gap is the second widest on record. All very encouraging indeed.

In ten days time we will have had an entire year and 50 polls since RIGHT had a majority. Rod Liddle in The Sunday Times said yesterday that he believed leave would win any second vote by 60% to 40% which seems to imply a significant number of people in this country would vote for what they think is a mistake. And it is we remainers who are said to disdain the average leave voter!

His assertion is based on zero evidence as far as I can see.

The YouGov figures are not to be lightly dismissed though. The poll was conducted on behalf of the People's Vote and has a huge sample size of 25,537 and should therefore be very accurate. Most polls in this series are on behalf of The Times and typically involve just over a thousand people.

I am one hundred percent sure the tide of opinion in this country is moving slowly but surely away from Brexit. Nothing is going to change that.  The Independent carried a report of the poll (HERE) but focused on another question, which was: If there was another referendum which way would you vote?  The answer was to remain by 54% to 46%.