Wednesday 9 January 2019


The WhatUKthinks series of polls, now 102 in total, has been sampling opinion since August 2016 on the question: In hindsight do you think the decision to leave the EU was right or wrong? I usually post something on it whenever a new poll is published. I think it's worth showing the graph as of this month because the growing divergence of opinion is becoming clear.

In the latter half of 2016, opinion just reflected the result of the referendum with a narrow majority thinking the decision was right. By mid 2017, when the election was held and some of the potential pitfalls of leaving were starting to emerge there was a mix of opinion, with both right and wrong swapping the lead. You can see this in the graph below, the blue line representing RIGHT and the green line WRONG.

Bear in mind the vast majority of these polls are by one company YouGov, a respected pollster, asking the same question of different samples of the population and applying the same methodology.

See how opinion has slowly but unmistakably and inexorably changed from around the second half of 2017. Not since mid January last year, in 50 polls, has RIGHT been in front and in recent weeks the divergence is becoming ever more stark. Support for RIGHT, regularly at 45-46% in 2016 is now struggling to maintain 40%.  In contrast, support for WRONG has increased from 42-43% to regularly hitting 47-48% and even on one occasion 49%.  Don't knows are consistently in the 12-13% area.

Support for Brexit is crumbling. I genuinely believe before very long we will see WRONG at 50% and over on a regular basis, with RIGHT stuck at the 35-40% level.