Wednesday, 20 March 2019


I am not sure there is a person in the country less well equipped to lead the Brexit negotiations. Theresa May's mixture of incompetence and stubbornness has brought us to within a few days of the greatest self inflicted disaster we have ever faced. The PM will probably return from Strasbourg on Friday empty handed. Jean Claude Juncker, speaking to a German radio station this morning, seemed to suggest (HERE) no decision on an extension will be taken this week. Unless she has a concrete plan I cannot see the EU giving her carte blanche for three more months of bickering.

Juncker is quoted as saying:

"My impression is ... that this week at the European Council there will be no decision, but that we will probably have to meet again next week, because Mrs May doesn't have agreement to anything, either in her Cabinet or in Parliament,

"As long as we don't know what Britain could say yes to, we can't reach a decision".

May's full letter, which asks for an extension to June 30th is HERE.

The EU Commission have in any case this lunchtime said (HERE) any extension is either to May 23rd or the end of 2019.  Given she seems to have no concrete plan except 'confidence' the deal will get through parliament next week, I wouldn't bet on the EU agreeing any extension - short or long.