Friday, 15 March 2019


The first polls for March have been published in the WhatUKthinks series asking if: In hindsight, do you think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the EU? These are the 110th and 111th in the series and show a 9% and an 8% lead respectively for WRONG (HERE)

There were 50 polls in 2018 with WRONG in the lead in 49 of them. RIGHT was ahead just once in January. In the last 15 polls WRONG's lead never dropped below 6% and in the last 4 has been steady at 8-9%. 

To me it seems inconceivable that opinion is going to shift back. We are only ever going to see opinion against Brexit hardening. It does not matter if we have a delay or not, eventually the polling figures will reach a position that cannot be ignore.