Thursday 25 April 2019


Mrs May survived the 1922 Committee meeting yesterday (HERE), which decided not to change the rules to try and remove her. They are to demand a clearer timetable for her to go but have no power to force her out.  It was a non coup, Brexiteers and the ERG will be very disappointed not to say as mad as hell. She has until December before facing another vote of no confidence, unless she resigns beforehand - out of sheer embarrassment. It's impossible to overestimate the mess she's made of Brexit but politicians don't do shame do they?

She originally said she would step down IF MPs voted her deal through the House. Now they demand she should go even if they don't vote it through. In other words, they just want her to go - and go immediately if not before.

The party membership seems to be at one in recognising Brexit is a disaster but their perverse diagnosis is not to call a halt to it but recruit someone else to go even harder.  All thoughts are now turning to who that person will be. Conservative Home (HERE) is in no doubt, BoJo is firmly in the lead.

You can tell the Conservatives are in real trouble when they call for Boris Johnson. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Ukrainians are not alone in wanting a comedian to lead them, the Tories are about to do the same. With him at the helm, the Tories would end up like Labour, having a leader that most of their MPs think is an idiot.

There is surely no disaster anywhere on the planet that could not be made worse by putting someone named Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson in charge, the name alone shouts upper class incompetence in capital letters. Yet thousands of apparently sane Tory party members think he is the one to lead them out of the wilderness. He couldn't lead them out of Holderness. They are in a very deep hole with Brexit but rather than stop digging they have hired the biggest back hoe excavator they can find and plan to give the keys to a man unfit to be in charge of a tack hammer. Their capacity for self-destruction is about to become world famous.

Bad as Theresa May is, BoJo would be infinitely worse. At least she looks the part. In his crumpled suit and hair he always seems to have just woken up after a drunken night on a sofa somewhere. Paradoxically, if you wanted Brexit to fail you couldn't give the task to a better man.

Elsewhere, 'Breaker' Farage has been in Clacton (HERE) addressing a gathering of leavers on the pier. It's the kind of situation where he is in his element, being cheered on by adoring supporters, many of them I assume former UKIPPERS. One man told The Guardian, they had given up on UKIP because it had attracted some 'strange bedfellows' and joined the Brexit party because it seemed 'a bit more liberal'. Well, they do say you can fool some of the people all of the time. Just wait a few weeks, another Farage political party will be along shortly.

Nigel is refusing to publish a Brexit party manifesto until after the European elections - and they are actually leading in the polls! What on earth does it mean?

For his supporters 'escaping' the richest trading bloc in the world to become poorer, weaker and less secure is THE reason to drive to Clacton and offer their support. They have taken leave of their senses before taking leave of the EU. One woman had travelled from California. Nothing else matters to her. Nobody knows what his party stands for apart from Brexit so I suppose they would be happy with anything provided we get Brexit - whatever it is. This is what happens when you read The Daily Mail, The Telegraph or The Sun for years.

Finally, on a slow news day and for your amusement, can I provide below the response of someone with the Disqus handle Nizkor, on Dr North's EUReferendum blog (This post) which caught my eye. I gather it was in response to another post that the somewhat erratic and autocratic Dr North had removed. It says what many would like to say but daren't - incidentally some of the asterisks are mine to save you getting an attack of the vapours.

This is what Nizkor told him:

"You think having some "rules" about posting on your website excuse you from moral bankruptcy? 

Endorse holocaust denial all you like. It only shows your mask is off. Good - it will only hurt your credibility, though that was shot anyway. 

Man, are you some posturing piece of shit! Look at your stupid f*****g rules? They just provide a way for you to control the debate - so you can avoid having to deal with all the issues that your own intellectual failings raise. 

And all the while you complain about others' inability to deal with facts. Yet it is *you* that cannot operate outside your own safety zone - the place where you get to control who can speak, and who can say what. Pathetic. You are a coward. 

And now, worse than just being an intellectual coward, you're despicably protecting praise for a holocaust denier whilst deleting criticism of it. And because you are so morally and intellectually bankrupt you have to delete posts rather than face them. 

You pretend that it's about "creating a certain level of intellectual debate" but that is obvious bullshit. All the best posters have been deleted - by you - and now there's only a few sycophants left, posting shite about David Irving! 

Hilarious. You'd rather idiots lick your arse and talk shite than face a challenge from people that can think for themselves and won't pay homage at the altar of the Dr North. 

Oh, and *Dr* North? Sure, academia is full of shite but *your* doctorate is oh so important! And prestige is such a crock of shit.....but you're a Doctor! Lah dee f*****g dah, w****r. 

Go f**k yourself. Coward. 

Oh dear!  Needless to say Dr North has now removed it.