Tuesday 4 June 2019

FARAGE - The British crisis in human form is taking us all for fools - again

In May 2016 Nigel Farage during an interview with Kevin McGuire from The Daily Mirror (HERE), said that if the result was close it would be unfinished business. These are his exact words "In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it."  As we know the result was actually even closer than that, it was 51.9% to 48.1%. I always assumed that had our side won, Nigel would have set out on the campaign trail the very next day. 

But no, I was apparently mistaken and he wouldn't!  He would have meekly accepted it and become the manager of a chiropody clinic in Accrington.

Watch this clip from an interview he gave to Gary Gibbon after his Brexit Party's European Election success last week:

He says in a civilised democracy you have to have 'loser's consent' and after the 2016 referendum, had he lost, he wouldn't have started campaigning again at all!!

Farage says there would have been no point and he wouldn't have wasted the next 20 years of his life.

Oh, come on Nigel. If you really think we'd believe that you must think we'd believe anything - but then this is exactly what he does think isn't it.

He told McGuire back in 2016:

"In the event of a defeat Farage, who maintains Britain will vote to quit the EU, would exploit claims the referendum was unfair after the Government dubiously spent £9m on a leaflet to every home".

Spending £9 million on a scrupulously honest assessment by the civil service was unfair while all the lies about Turkey, the £350 million a week for the NHS, Free trade deals for the asking - all provable lies - was perfectly fine and we should just accept it.  The misuse of data and criminal convictions for overspending?  No problem.