Thursday 29 April 2021

Wallpapergate - the saga continues

What is becoming known as wallpapergate continues to rumble on with the latest skirmish taking place on the floor of The House at PMQs yesterday. Starmer was forensic and there is no doubt in my mind that there is something highly embarrassing about the expensive refurbishment of No 11 Downing Street because the furore surrounding the mystery of who paid the money initially is becoming so huge one begins to wonder what is behind it all. Why can't Johnson just tell us?

However, and helpfully for Starmer, there are so many issues at the moment centering on Johnson and his character that he was spoilt for choice.  The Labour leader began with a question about whether the PM had actually said the words claimed in the Daily Mail last week, that he would rather have “bodies pile high” than implement another lockdown. 

"Can the Prime Minister tell the House categorically, yes or no: did he make those remarks or remarks to that effect?", Starmer asked. 

Johnson answered categorically with words that may soon destroy him, "No, Mr Speaker." It is now in Hansard, presumably as Starmer intended. 

Then came this, delivered slowly with pauses and in near silence:

"Well, somebody here is not telling the truth. The House will have heard the Prime Minister’s answer, and I remind him that the ministerial code says: “Ministers who knowingly mislead Parliament will be expected to offer their resignation”.

"I will leave it there for now. [Hon. Members: “Ooh!] There will be further on this, believe you me."

You could hear a pin drop as the significance of the words sank in. No prizes for guessing who is not telling the truth by the way - was it a congenital liar or others in Downing Streer? Does Starmer know or expect more to emerge on this which casts doubt on Johnson's denials or prove beyond doubt that he did indeed say the words his enemies claim? We will soon find out, I hope.

Next, Starmer raised the refurbishment issue, asking, "who initially —and “initially” is the key word here—paid for the redecoration of his Downing Street flat?"

We didn't get any further with that line, Johnson simply repeating that he had "met" the costs out of his own pocket.  He didn't reveal who had first paid the money last year. It is widely believed that the famously tight-fisted Johnson only reluctantly paid up after the first leaks appeared this year suggesting he had asked Tory donors to provide him with the lifestyle  his current partners is accustomed to. 

By the end of PMQs Johnson was clearly rattled as Beth Rigby from Sky News tweeted:

Carrie Symonds apparently thinks the  John Lewis décor left by Mrs May is too downmarket. Personally, if I go to John Lewis in York - which I have on a handful of occasions - the things they sell all look perfectly good and are far from cheap. DFS it isn't.  However, Ms Symonds seems to prefer living like Marie Antoinette surrounded by wall paper at a reputed £840 a roll.  I couldn't afford to cover an exercise book at those prices.

The newspapers are now taking sides with the Mail and The Times leading the charge and The Sun (Murdoch is hedging his bets) and The Telegraph trying to defend him and the indefensible.  The Mail are quoting one aide having claimed Johnson told them:

‘The cost is totally out of control – she’s buying gold wallpaper!’ 

The Mail also claim that the refusal by civil servants to pay more than the £30K allowed each year (each year!) led to friction between Symonds and Helen MacNamara, Director General of Propriety and Ethics in the Cabinet Office. She is said to have urged Mr Johnson to sack Miss MacNamara after she refused to sign off extra money for the flat.  Don't forget that Symonds was also behind the sacking of Lee Cain and Dominic Cummings.

It will indeed be an irony if after spending huge sums redecorating the flat above No 11 Downing Street that he has to quit the premises early as seems increasingly likely. I don't know what the odds are on him surviving until 2024 but I wouldn't risk much on that outcome as things stand at the moment. He may have just weeks left.

There are various claims about what the total cost actually was. Some reports suggest it may have been up to £200,000 while others put it at a mere £88,000, leaving Johnson to find £58,000 after the tax payers contribution.

I see a lot of people this morning are commenting on the irony that a sleazebag like Johnson may be taken down by a bit of expensive wallpaper. 

But then this is what happens isn't it?