It looks like the party might be over for Boris Johnson. After all the damage he has caused to this country it will be a bit of a surprise if he’s brought down by a Christmas party. As usual it isn’t the event itself but the attempted cover up afterwards. The PM’s official spokesman has declared categorically there was no party at No 10 on December 18 last year. It now looks certain that there was.
The problem is that he is an inveterate liar and because of that his ministers have to go out and publicly repeat the lie and even create new ones. Since Pippa Crerrar at The Daily Mirror broke the story, government ministers right up to the deputy PM have gone out in front of the cameras and lied as they have had to do so many times before.
The only ones who have not (AFAIK) are Rishi Sunak and Michael Gove. One wonders why the two front runners to take over if Johnson goes, have remained silent. Obviously, they see a chance coming up.
The recent line that ‘all the guidelines were followed’ at the party that didn’t take place was never going to survive. So, when ITV got hold of the video clip (below) showing Allegra Stratton joking about the party and discussing how she would answer questions on it, the flood gates opened.
As of this morning the clip has been viewed over 7 million times.
Several things are clear. First, there was a party on the Friday before (the 18th). Second there was no social distancing. Third, they knew it would be a problem if it ever came out. Fourth, they had no idea how to answer it. Fifth, they didn't bother to decide how to answer it and simply hoped it wouldn't leak. Sixth, they were not taking anything seriously.
It would be fascinating to know who leaked it. I assume it’s someone who doesn’t like Johnson or his administration. I wonder what else they have?
Most people seem to be angry about the sheer arrogance of it all.
When Prince Phillip died, we saw the Queen sitting alone at his funeral service wearing a mask. Leaders have to set an example, do the extra things that show they are taking it all seriously. Johnson is the opposite. The Tory party may be realising they have saddled up a tiger, the kind of man they were warned about and the kind they have never had before. An amoral liar and a charlatan.
This is the best tweet:
Even more this from the last day of revelations. A Prime Minister with no regard for truth, as proven in every job he has held, now causing the rotting of government which can't run effectively around a web of lies - and his colleagues mostly know this.
— David Henig (@DavidHenigUK) December 8, 2021
I have always thought that if you are one of the men or women working in Downing Street you would be foolish not to keep a diary and copies of emails, memos and internal briefing notes. When Johnson is gone, everybody will want to know what’s been going on inside a totally dysfunctional government and you will have the chance to make some money.
It’s a reasonable bet that the row over the party is on the more trivial side and there are far more serious scandals still to emerge.
You can bet this morning there will be frantic efforts in No 10 to bend the truth to fit the known facts just as they did with Cummings.
The police may even be dragged into it. Those on duty in Downing Street on 18 December 2020 must have known there was a party on. Why didn't they stop it?