Tuesday 11 January 2022

Johnson partied in Downing Street during lockdown

ITV have got hold of an email sent by Martin Reynolds, Johnson’s principal private secretary, in May 2020, to 100 Downing Street staff members, inviting them to "socially distanced drinks". This was at the height of the pandemic when you were only allowed to “meet one person outside of your household in an outdoor, public place provided that you stay two metres apart.” It’s interesting that the revelation about the specify party on 20 May came from Dominic Cummings.

There is no doubt he is in trouble and if it results in Johnson being forced out (and it’s quite possible - see below) it will be quite amazing considering what else can be laid at his door.

The event, is being described as a ‘bring your own booze’ party and was being repeated in virtually every publication in Britain as far as I could see last night and is the lead story on the BBC this morning. That someone (presumably) leaked the email says a lot. There are people in Downing Street who clearly want him gone.

The Daily Mail columnist Dan Hodges, normally a staunch supporter of the prime minister, tweeted.

ITV are clear. He was there and Downing Street are not denying it.

“ITV News understands around 40 staff gathered in the garden that evening, eating picnic food and drinking. Crucially, they included the Prime Minister and his wife Carrie Johnson.”

There is no equivocation there. It will hardly be possible to deny the two of them attended with 40 witnesses present. In any case, asked about it yesterday, he himself refused to deny he was there, according to the BBC. He simply said it would be “the subject of a proper investigation". Which, I assume is a tacit admission he was present. Here he is:

Remember, on 8 December 2021, when the partygate scandal was in full swing he pre-empted questions at PMQs by starting with this:

“May I begin by saying that I understand and share the anger up and down the country at seeing No. 10 staff seeming to make light of lockdown measures? I can understand how infuriating it must be to think that the people who have been setting the rules have not been following the rules, because I was also furious to see that clip. I apologise unreservedly for the offence that it has caused up and down the country, and I apologise for the impression that it gives.

“I repeat that I have been repeatedly assured since these allegations emerged that there was no party and that no covid rules were broken. That is what I have been repeatedly assured. But I have asked the Cabinet Secretary to establish all the facts and to report back as soon as possible. It goes without saying that if those rules were broken, there will be disciplinary action for all those involved.”

I suppose this means he will have to discipline himself.

If he does go, it will be an Al Capone moment similar to where the notorious US gangster eventually went to prison on minor tax evasion charges instead of murder, extortion and racketeering.. 

What an odd nation we are. People seem quite relaxed about having rights and civil liberties reduced, government money spent in as corrupt a way as you like, plus a pandemic handled so badly we ended up with the worst death rate in Europe as well as the biggest economic hit but if they think the PM attended a party when he shouldn’t have they’re up in arms.  This is to say nothing of the massive mistake which is Brexit

What a turn up that would be.

Labour are set to ask an urgent question in the House of Commons today about the issue.


The WhatUKthinks series of polls (asking in hindsight if Brexit was a mistake) added the 207th, the first of 2022 yesterday and hit 57% when don’t knows are removed. This is only the second time we’ve seen that figure, the first being in November last year.

It seems the penny May finally be dropping.

While a lot of voters have seen little change, they have certainly seen none of the ‘benefits’ they were sold in 2016 and all the predictions this year are that things will only get worse. Even The Express and The Mail are carrying gloomy reports about the consequences of Brexit.

Surely the end is in sight for Johnson?  I do hope so.