Thursday 28 July 2022

Is Selby going to have Boris Johnson as its MP?

There are lots of reports emerging from the Johnson camp that he doesn’t really think his political career is over. It’s claimed he believes the party has made a big mistake in dumping him and it will eventually come to its senses and recognise that. Amazing as it is, in spite of having to resign in disgrace after what is, by common consent, the worst premiership in British history, he genuinely believes he has been hard done to. His delusions run deep.

And even more amazing, his allies are lucid enough to realise his own Uxbridge seat is at risk of switching to Labour or the LibDems which will deprive him of a platform for his comeback tour. Of course, they don’t see that this - and all the other Tory MPs who are going to lose their seats at the next election - is all down to him and his own massive personal failings which are all too clear now.

Anyway, they are looking around for a safe seat and MPs are being offered all sorts of inducements to give up their own in favour of Johnson. Apparently, he intends to send another 40 people to the Lords, others are being offered knighthoods and other jobs in the outgoing PM’s gift.  This is according to the Daily Mirror:

"One insider even suggested Mr Johnson’s allies were prepared to offer honours - including knighthoods and peerages - to loyalist MPs and Tory veterans in safe seats who might contemplate retirement.

“It has been discussed. They’re testing the water with MPs with safe seats," they said.

"They’re prepared to dangle honours in front of ultra-loyalists and those who might be thinking about standing down anyway”.

We already know Nigel Adams intends to step down at the next election, has a 20,137 majority and is a key member of Johnson’s inner circle. He has already told friends he’s going to get a peerage. What could be more convenient?

I would be surprised if this hasn’t been suggested.

The only problem is - Selby. It’s hardly Henley-on-Thames, Johnson’s first constituency before he became London Mayor, or even Uxbridge, and it isn’t in the Home Counties. It’s 200 miles away and probably doesn’t have a single house that would suit the Johnsons’ taste. After all they have gold wallpaper which is more expensive than some properties in Selby!

However, it may be the only option if an MP in a desirable constituency, in a leafy upper-class suburb, somewhere close to London and with a decent majority, can’t be persuaded to give it all up. His or her local Conservative association would also have to agree and maybe some of them wouldn’t be entirely happy being forever tainted by him and his reputation.

So, if push comes to shove and he can’t find a more convenient and willing sacrifice it’s not out of the question that Selby will get the b*****d.

Whether a 20,000 majority will be enough is another matter. Personally, I would campaign 24/7 to try and make sure he does not become our MP.