Saturday 16 July 2022

No support for Truss

The first debate in the Tory leadership contest was a disaster for Liz Truss. Her ambitions to become prime minister crashed and burned after a truly terrible performance. The ERG's favoured candidate was about as bad as you could be. She looked wooden and under prepared at the same time, as well as nervous and unsure of herself.  Sunak came across as much too slick and almost cocky. I think the good news for British politics is that none of them can lie like Johnson.  Tugendhat was the most popular with the Channel 4 studio audience and the public, according to a snap poll afterwards.

The results of an Opinium poll taken immediately after the debate reveals just how bad it was for Truss and how good it was for Tugendhat.

Note that in the category of how 'trustworthy' viewers found the candidates, Tugendhat came top with 38%. This came after he was the only one, when asked if Johnson was honest, to simply and openly say no. The others hedged and dissembled as they had to because they were ministers under Johnson. The next best was Badenoch with 16% and Sunak was seen as trustworthy by just 12%. Mordaunt and Truss didn't even get above single figures.

Truss's numbers are simply terrible and don't forget she is the one supported by Lord Frost in a piece for The Telegraph yesterday morning. To show what awful judgement they've got and how out of touch they are, Jacob Ress-Mogg tweeted after the programme:

He was clearly among the 3% who thought she was the most charismatic.

Truss was a remainer and campaigned to stay in the EU but has now converted into a rabid Brexiteer. She may soon have to trash whatever small shred of credibility she's got by switching back to remain - or rejoin. 

WhatUKthnks published the latest in their series of 214 polls yesterday showing that those who still think it was RIGHT to leave the EU has shrunk to the lowest on record at 35%.

Those who now believe it was WRONG hit a record high at 53%.

I you remove the don't knows (12%), we are now at 60% to 40%, a huge margin. Anyone who believes there's something on the horizon to halt this slide is deluded I' afraid.

Truss's career is over. A politician may be able to do a U-turn once and admit a mistake, but to do it twice over a matter as huge as Brexit is to make yourself look completely unbelievable and untrustworthy.