Sunday 4 September 2022

Is Trump finally cracking up?

The Trump saga gets more incredible by the day, almost by the hour. I’m amazed that what is happening in the US isn’t getting much coverage in the British press. I know the Truss/Sunak battle is grabbing a lot of attention but it’s nothing to what’s happening across the Atlantic. Yesterday in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump gave a speech to his supporters where he claimed Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg “visited me in the White House last week and kissed my ass.” It’s hard to imagine what was going through his mind or even if his mind is still working.

There is speculation that he is suffering from dementia. Who knows?  Lest you think this is a joke, here he is saying it on camera:

The speech was dangerous as well since he continues his baseless and proven false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him - that the USA has become so corrupt it’s like “Venezuela on steroids.” The crowd behind him was brandishing placards (Save America!) and cheering his every word. It was astonishing.

Terrifyingly, at one point he says “We are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious American nation.” It sounded suspiciously like Adolph Hitler's, “Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Fuhrer” speech. He is quite mad.

Listen to it - from about a minute and 5 seconds in:

Events of the last few days and weeks seem to have driven him completely over the edge. The most recent stunning revelation is among the items listed by the FBI as having been recovered in the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago house on 8 May. The detailed list came out on Friday and it includes 43 empty folders with "CLASSIFIED" banners and another 28 empty folders marked "Return to Staff Secretary/Military Aide."


These were in a single box/container found in an office at Mar-a-Lago along with 24 government documents with classified markings.

It obviously raises even more questions. Where are the missing files? Are they among the files recovered elsewhere or not? If not, where are they now? Who has them and who has had access to them?  I assume that the American security services are keen to find the answers - and quickly.

Next, and perhaps to point to what the authorities are thinking, following the FBI raid on Trump's home, agents and police have been seen removing boxes from the estate of a sanctioned Russian Oligarch and close ally of Vladimir Putin, Viktor Vekselberg, in The Hamptons on Long Island and also from his New York apartment.  If any shred of evidence is discovered that Vekselberg handled the classified material Trump will really be in trouble!!

He may yet find himself lucky to end up behind bars for a thousand years.

There were some reports last week that spies and informers working for the CIA had disappeared and their disappearance is now being linked to the missing Trump files:

A report in the NY Times in May 2021 claimed a top secret cable sent by the CIA to stations around the world said that "too many of the people it recruits from other countries are being lost."  This is months after Trump left office remember.

I fully expect him to end up behind bars still claiming the election was stolen from him and his deluded supporters will believe him. 

I don’t think they realise what they’re doing or where he is leading them. One, an ex NYPD officer, found out last week as the authorities work their way through prosecuting those involved in the 6 January riots on Capitol Hill. 

Thomas Webster assaulted an on duty police officer and was caught on camera. On Thursday last week he was sentenced to ten years in prison. Ten years! He broke down in court and in that instant I presume he came to his senses and finally realised what a con man Trump is. 

A recent poll puts the Democrats 9% ahead by the way so it's not all bad as the US heads towards the mid-term elections.


Over here it is as if time has stood still for eight weeks. We'll get to know who will be PM tomorrow and it seems certain to be Liz Truss. 

I strongly believe she will be even worse than Johnson, who often seems just as deluded as Trump. Apparently he hasn’t given up hopes of a triumphant return to Downing Street. The party is so divided, and his allies thinks Truss is going to do so badly, that MPs are going to call him back!  

Martin Fletcher in The New Statesman has the best take on him:  Don’t fall for the revisionismBoris Johnson was a catastrophe for Britain, In three years he almost destroyed the country. Could the Conservatives really be mad or desperate enough to give this man another chance to finish the job?

What a mess we are in.