Friday, 27 December 2024

Is Tump going crazy?

Donald Trump is, and probably always has been, a moron. His knowledge of virtually everything hovers somewhere between very little and zero although he thinks of himself as an exceptional polymath. Old age is beginning to take its usual toll and he’s obviously becoming senile into the bargain. Essentially, the American people for reasons that historians will be pondering over for decades, have chosen a senile moron to lead them for the next four years. That, you might think, would be bad enough but with just a few days before his second inauguration, Trump seems to be descending into something approaching full-blown insanity.

Have a look at this tweet which came out on Christmas Day (Christmas Day!) 2024:

He really isn’t stopping on the Panama-Canada-Greenland expansionist front. So much for promises of world peace. Brace, brace.

There is so much lunacy packed into it.

He thinks the Chinese army is illegally operating the Panama Canal, which is news to me and probably to Panama as well. I would be amazed if Panama or the canal authorities had allowed China to station military personnel in the country to control the 51-mile canal linking the Atlantic to the Pacific. It's just crazy.

As for America (the “we” in the tweet) losing 38,000 people during the construction of the canal, this is just flat wrong. A lot of workers did die, but most of them - 22,000 in fact  - died when France was responsible for the project in the 1880s.  According to one website, 5,609 of the 56,000 workers employed when the US restarted work in the 1900s died over the eight years of construction from accidents and disease. 

And they were mostly recruited from Barbados, Jamaica, and other Caribbean islands, not America. 

On Canada, he again raises the possibility that Canadians would want to become the 51st state by dangling the prospect of a 60% cut in taxes (some hope) and an 'immediate' doubling in the size of all their businesses. There is zero chance of that and even less while he is POTUS.

He repeats his claim that the US 'needs' Greenland for 'security purposes' sounding like a mix of Hitler, Stalin, and Putin and their mad pursuit of territorial expansion by force.

The "Radical left lunatics" come under fire for 'obstructing the US court system and elections' which is, as all dictators and authoritarians know, accusing your opponents of the crimes you are committing. Nobody in the entire history of the United States has obstructed the court system more than Trump or interfered more in the election process up to and including the most heinous political crime imaginable, insurrection.

He is a one-man political crime wave. As for a 'radical left' even existing in America, the idea is almost laughable. Democrats are about on a par with the old One Nation Tory party, if not to the right of them.

And no, Joe Biden hasn’t ‘pardoned’ 37 of the most violent convicted criminals. He has commuted the death penalty they were facing to life imprisonment without parole, a very different thing.  I am not sure Trump even understands the difference.

The whole tweet looks like the ravings of a madman, not the president of the most powerful nation on earth.  I can see Trump's cabinet having to ditch him before his term is up.

'President' Musk

There are reports that accusations of Elon Musk being Trump’s Svengali, a puppet master, and the real power behind the throne, are getting under the president-elect's skin already, and I think we can safely assume the pair are headed for an acrimonious break-up in the not too distant future. 

Musk's ridiculous wealth has gone to his head and even the United States can't hold two continent-sized egos, one granted by dint of the election and the other by the almighty dollar. Something will have to give and it will be Musk going under the bus first I suspect.

He is rubbing a lot of Trump's MAGA supporters up the wrong way because (a) he was very late to the cause and now has the president's ear and (b) he is already calling for MORE immigration of highly-skilled individuals from overseas. This last point is the opposite of what the GOP base wants but Musk's companies can't recruit the right calibre of engineers locally and he is seeking some sort of exemption.

With Musk it's always his personal wealth isn't it?  And that will be his downfall.