Sunday, 18 June 2017


YouGov have produced some interesting figures breaking down the voting for the General Election last week (HERE). The bar chart below says it all for me. Younger voters in the 18-19 age group prefer Labour by 66% to just 19% for the Tories. While in the over 70 the numbers are virtually reversed with 69% preferring the Tories compared to just 19% for Labour.

There are an increasing number of old voters and they are more likely to vote, or at least they were in the past. I believe this has been the position for a long time, hence the old adage if you aren't a socialist when you're 18 you have no heart. But if you're not a Conservative by the time you're 30 you haven't got a head. The Conservatives had better hope that voters preferences continues to change as they get older otherwise Labour will be in the driving seat in a few years.

I think there is every reason to believe things will change. Brexit is a defining moment. Most young people did not want to leave the EU and many Conservative voters have been put off by the party's enthusiasm for a hard Brexit so the Conservatives should begin to worry.