There was an article in The Independent the other day (HERE). It's supposed to be an amusing look at what the DUP deal with Mrs May looks like but the article interested me for something it said about Ian Duncan Smith. Apparently, the journalist who wrote the piece, Mark Steel, was on a radio programme with him a few days before and this is what he wrote:
"The Conservatives have no idea how they landed in this mess[Brexit that is] and even less idea what to do about it, and that guarantees all kinds of entertainment.
Strangely, I was on the radio with Ian Duncan Smith on Sunday, and he delivered a speech on the necessity for unity in the Conservative Party. Then the presenter mentioned that Nicky Morgan had called for a leadership election, and Smith said: “Well she would, that’s typical of her.” Then an interview with Michael Heseltine was played, and he muttered “What a fool, why does anyone bother interviewing him, the man’s a fool” all the way through".
Fools like IDS can never see their own foolishness and never allow the slightest doubt to set in. It is scarcely believable that he thinks Heseltine, one of the brightest men ever to enter parliament, is a fool. And for him to call for unity after all the trouble he has caused over the years is pure hypocrisy.