Saturday 29 July 2017


Brexit was likened to the communist revolution in Russia by John Harris in The Guardian (HERE) recently. He was writing from the perspective of a government making it up as they go along. This was the accusation levelled at the Bolsheviks in 1917 who were so surprised to find themselves in power they had no plan ready and simply improvised. I think he is right to compare the October revolution to Brexit but without the bloodshed.

He could have gone a bit further. The communists promised a sort of socialist utopia waiting at the end of every five year plan. Just knuckle down comrade and the good times will soon be here. They managed to convince a lot of people that this was indeed the future. Of course, as things went sour, they found the arguments were not quite having the desired effect and a police state was necessary to keep order. I do not for a moment suggest May or Davis are likely to declare a state of emergency but the right wing press (they know who they are) seize on anything mildly positive to buttress the claims of untold future wealth as we trade ourselves to global leadership - mainly on home made jam since we manufacture virtually nothing ourselves anymore - in order to maintain the spirits of the mob who they persuaded to vote leave last year.

Anyone raising doubts is instantly shouted down and labelled a remainiac, a remoaner, a saboteur or an enemy of the people. This is how it starts.