Saturday 29 July 2017


The Irish border issue came to the front this week. It started with a report in The Times, since denied, that the Irish government were suggesting a sea border around the whole island of Ireland which would have meant border checks between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. This wasn't the first time such an idea has been floated but the DUP were quick to dismiss it and proposed in a tweet that the Republic should consider quitting the EU!

Bertie Ahern, former Taoiseach in a response to the DUP's suggestion said the Irish were, "mad, but not that mad" and claimed Ireland would never follow the UK out of the EU (HERE).

Now the new prime minster of Ireland Leo Varadkar (HERE) has publicly dismissed the idea of some sort of smart border using surveillance cameras and ANPR systems across the 300 mile border, saying it wouldn't work. More pointedly, he also said that they are not going to design a new border for us. He made it clear it was our problem and up to us to solve it.

This comes at the end of a week when Michel Barnier, in a private briefing to EU ambassadors (HERE) said talks may be delayed because the UK does not have a position on many issues, particularly the Brexit bill but also the Irish border question. The EU have produced nine detailed and firm position papers so far. We have responded to just one and produced a few rough ideas which contain almost no details and just call for discussions.

This is a matter of enormous import, but just one of so many other highly complex issues that must be resolved by March 2019. Reuters report it HERE.

We look like headless chickens as we race to the cliff edge.