Tuesday 15 August 2017


David Davis demonstrated once again his flimsy grip on reality with an interview this morning (HEREwhere he attempted to convince listeners that somewhere in Whitehall there is actually a plan for Brexit and all the apparent disunity, chaos, disarray and muddle is deliberate government policy - he called it "constructive ambiguity". It reminds me of the Fawlty Towers episode where Basil tells us he mentioned the war to a group of Germans but thinks he "got away with it". No doubt Davis will think he also has got away with it.

No sentient being listening to the interview could have been taken in. It is the sheer arrogance of Davis that will be his and the nation's undoing. He actually believes that simply by coming on to the BBC and telling us all the things we have been seeing and hearing every day for months are actually wrong, that our eyes and ears have cruelly deceived us. We have not understood the Machiavellian plotting behind it all designed to trick M Barnier into a false sense of security.

This is why Brexit will be a catastrophe. It is led by disunited incompetents who are also zealots in pursuit of the impossible. No good can come of it.