Tuesday 15 August 2017


The Telegraph (HERE) have a report about what they call a fast track surrender scheme to replace the European Arrest Warrant. Our plan apparently is to completely duplicate what they already have in Europe under the EAW in order to allow us to avoid the ECJ! We seem to expect 27 countries to sign bilateral agreements with us to enable a fast track process overseen by an "ad hoc legal commission" that will have to be set up in order to duplicate the ECJ!

One might view this as a fast track surrender scheme to duplicate a fast track surrender scheme over seen by a legal commission that replaces a legal commission. The Telegraph which has for years complained about the EU complicating things reports this as a perfectly reasonable position for us to take. Phillip Johnson, writing in The Telegraph a few days ago (HERE) says we should get rid of the EAW because it an "offence against our ancient liberties". He will no doubt soon be defending the new scheme that does exactly the same thing by other methods.

Who do we think we are?

I think the EU might well refuse to go along and say you should join the EAW scheme and this would keep things nice and simple.