Friday 4 August 2017


Nick Cohen has written another prescient article in The Spectator (HERE). It's well worth a read but for me the most interesting parts are where he argues the referendum wasn't democratic because one side could say anything they liked. There was no manifesto for Brexit and the leave campaigners were never going to be asked to deliver what they promised. For them it was a very low risk strategy to claim £350 million a week extra for the NHS. When they got the result they wanted it was up to others to make it happen while they sat back and criticised.

Now Mr Cohen suggests someone like Boris Johnson is going to carry the banner for those who will never be satisfied with anything short of the hardest of hard Brexits. Cohen says these want to believe they are being betrayed by remainers masquerading as Brexiteers rather than admit to being foolish. There is enormous scope for a rabble rouser like Farage to claim leavers have been stabbed in the back by a soft Brexit and half of Fleet Street will support him or her (Cohen thinks it might be Leadsom). 

We risk opening the door to far right politicians who will jump at the chance to drive a wedge between the British people. Brexit could be dangerous for our democracy.