Friday 25 August 2017


Roger Bootle is an economist at Capital Economics and writes for various news outlets including The Telegraph. He was a prominent Brexiteer and like many on his side of the debate, can never see any good in the EU. Confounding his expectations, the Eurozone is now growing strongly at twice the rate of our own economy. To reassure his supporters and Telegraph readers he says we "cannot be fooled by the myth of EU economic success" in his article yesterday (HERE). Isn't it odd when the EU is doing comparatively poorly it is solid fact but when it's doing well, as it is at present, the success is a myth!  Prejudice is blinding Mr Bootle to reality.

I assume as bankruptcy beckons us and the Eurozone looks on, growing spectacularly on technical innovation and a strong currency, he will still be telling us to avert our eyes in case we glimpse the reality he has been trying to avoid. Whatever next, a wall across The Channel?  Or perhaps The Stasi to keep a watchful eye on anyone who might need re-educating on the benefits of Brexit?

This is another article proving a hostage to fortune. I'll make a note of it.