Thursday 28 September 2017


Dr Richard North, who writes the EUreferendum blog (HERE) thinks Brexit, something he actually campaigned for, will be a catastrophe for the nation because of the way the government is handling it all. He also thinks we remainers are an "irrelevance" (HERE) and believes the problems are all on his side of the argument.

To an extent he is right. I have always thought Brexit will not be stopped by remainers so to that extent we are irrelevant. There are simply not enough of us. No, it will be leavers who will stop it. But remainers can help and they will still be needed at the end. 

Dr North attacks what he calls the Ultras, the Brexit fanatics for creating the almost certain catastrophe that is coming. But amazingly, he does not see that if there is a disaster Brexit will get the blame. Even though he will try to shift responsibility onto the method of implementation and the Tory government, this will only really be believed by the Ultras. Most ordinary leave voters, those at the margin, won't see or understand the subtleties of his argument. If Brexit had the potential to go catastrophically wrong it should not have been attempted.

So, we need only a relatively small number of leavers to change their mind and if we get job losses and food shortages this shouldn't be hard.

North forgets Brexit is his one and only chance and if Brexiteers blow it, they won't get another. And they will blow it, of that I am quite sure.