Wednesday 27 September 2017


In this country we have never been short of stupid people but now we seem to have a massive surplus. Right at the top is John Longworth. Last week (HERE) he was blaming the civil service for thwarting our exit from the EU but now his ire is aimed at the chancellor Phillip Hammond who he blames for trying to save the nation from catastrophic damage, or as he puts it, holding Brexit back. One might think he was in the pay of a foreign government.

So desperate is Longworth to destroy the economy and impoverish us all that he is demanding Mrs May should sack her Chancellor (HERE) and press on towards the cliff edge, gathering so much momentum that nothing will prevent a disaster of epic proportions. As we plunge headlong over the cliff, the maniac Longworth will no doubt be wide eyed and laughing uproariously at the fun of it all. 

What a dangerous idiot he is. I half expect the picture above his articles to show a man in a strait jacket being sedated by nurses.