Wednesday 6 September 2017


We have barely got started in the negotiations but Davis is telling us how tough he "always said it was going to be". Nobody can remember any leaver telling us it would be tough and certainly not him. When remainers said so they were scaremongering weren't they? But are things beginning to change? Take a look at this video (HERE) on Conservative Home website showing Davis telling the Commons just how 'tough' it is going to be and see that the comments are almost all from remainers. Some are asking where the Brexiteers who would normally defend Brexit have gone. 

A small number of Brexiteers are now starting to reply to comments but there are very few if any who are arguing that Davis or indeed anyone in the leave campaigns ever told us it would be tough.

Is the message finally getting through? I hope so.

Update 8th September:  Buzzfeed (HERE) have a report showing eleven occasions when leave campaigners told us Brexit would be easy rather than tough. And the tough negotiations have not even started yet.