Thursday 21 September 2017


I have posted a couple of times about the Wolchover Action Group (HERE) who are looking at litigation to stop Brexit. They have updated the legal case (HERE) which I must say looks more attractive and compelling each time I see it. The group was urging members and others to write a template letter to the police, copy to their MP and the press, alleging a crime has taken place and Article 50 was triggered unlawfully.

Someone on the York for Europe Facebook page claims that several hundred of these letters have now been sent to various regional police forces and they have in turn sent them to the Metropolitan police. Cressida Dick, the Met Commissioner has now opened a file, so it's claimed, although I haven't seen anything yet in the press.

This could open up a whole new legal can of worms that would have to be tested in court. Looking at the case Mr Wolchover has assembled it looks to me (no lawyer I admit) that it has a good chance of success since he uses the Supreme Court findings in Miller as one of the main foundations. The SC would more or less have to rule against itself to reject Wolchover's case.

What the Telegraph/Sun/Mail would make of it I don't know, but it won't be pretty. The government would be blamed and it would look like simple incompetence. How could we trust an administration to negotiate Brexit when they can't even get the fundamentals right?