Thursday 28 December 2017


Tim Stanley is a journalist who writes for The Telegraph and has an article (HERE) which is becoming typical among the pro Brexit press. It is a plea for the liberal counter revolution against what he calls the Brexit triumph to be "routed" next year. This is not going to happen regardless of how much he might want it to.

What the Brexiteers want is for us all to get behind the project so that later, when the disaster engulfs us, they can turn to us and say you are as much to blame as we are. This is what happens in politics. If an opposition stops opposing they become complicit. We must not allow this to happen.

As someone who remembers the 1975 referendum and voted IN enthusiastically, I don't believe it will.

Then, there was a large majority to remain ( 67%) and the media was generally happy with the result. There was no legacy movement continuing to press for a new referendum and after a few weeks the whole issue simply disappeared. It helped that we were already members and the direction of travel, the integration process, just carried on as planned.

Now, things are totally different. The majority to leave was extremely narrow, surprisingly so given the sheer weight of the right wing press applied to Brexit. There continues to be a huge and growing movement both in and out of parliament to remain or rejoin. It's well known that young people are in favour of the EU by around three to one and as old leave voters die there will be a majority to remain, if there isn't one already.

Finally, we are effectively executing a U turn and the real negotiations have not yet started. The difficulties involved in untangling ourselves are not properly in sight and we will see those unfolding weekly as 2018 goes by.

So, Mr Stanley is likely to be disappointed next year. Remainers are not going to accept Brexit - ever. Get used to it.