Monday 18 December 2017


A poll has found that 51 percent of Britons would now keep European Union membership while 41 percent want to leave the bloc, a near reversal of last year's referendum result. Reuters HERE link the new poll by BMG to comments by EU leaders that the next phase of negotiations will be much tougher. In other words, this is where we are after the easy bit.

The Sun has a poll (no link it's a Murdoch paper) suggesting that 61% want Theresa May to stay as PM. I see this and it occurred to me that The Guardian, The Independent and The Times frequently run polls concerning public opinion on Brexit and publish the results. However, it is surely noticeable that The Telegraph, The Mail and The Sun don't publish any. I assume they commission polls, after all this is what newspapers do all the time, but they seem shy about publishing.

I wonder why that is? Could the reason be that there is no great upsurge in support for leaving the EU? I suppose those who voted on faith and hope alone can't understand why other people don't share their enthusiasm for Brexit and may be surprised that we aren't all cheering in the street.

Whatever ones view of Brexit I think it's clear that even those who voted remain and just want an end to it don't believe we will be better off. 

I think by this time next year, with a stream of bad economic news and Brexit coverage still dominating the news bulletins people will be heartily sick of it. The Conservatives will be a broken party and the nation's appetite for impoverishment and isolation may not be as great as it is at the moment. Logic, rational thinking and the facts will rescue us eventually.