Monday 18 December 2017


Theresa May has a piece in The Sunday Telegraph (HERE) telling us she is getting on with Brexit and it won't be derailed. She tells us what a wonderful world she is going to deliver. She tells us she is going to make success of Brexit but that:

"Making a success of Brexit is not the sole mission of this government. When I became prime minister I set out very clearly made clear my belief that the referendum was about more than a vote to leave the European Union. It was a mandate to address the many economic and social challenges in our country that were leaving too many people behind and build a Britain fit for the future.

"That is why we are shaping a stronger and fairer economy, with the lowest unemployment rate for more than forty years and a modern industrial strategy that is helping to create high-quality, well-paid jobs right across the country. With focused and determined action we will propel Britain to global leadership in the industries of the future – and with it, secure more new jobs for our children in everything from Artificial Intelligence to self-driving vehicles".

It is not clear to me, nor has it ever been, why it was necessary to leave the EU to address the many economic and social challenges we face or how we are going to be propelled to global leadership in the industries of the future. And more important how the EU was preventing us doing either of these things. 

We apparently aspire to global leadership by rejecting the regulatory ambit of the EU, widely seen as increasingly the global standard setter.

In fact everything she claims needs to be tackled is directly and exclusively the responsibility of British politicians. There is nothing about leaving the EU that will make solving the challenges easier and everything that will make it more difficult. A slowing economy will cut the amount of money available to solve every issue. Insanity.