Wednesday 24 January 2018


BoJo is clearly getting nervous. His call for more NHS money (HERE) has not gone down well with cabinet colleagues. Health is hardly his brief anyway and foreign policy, which is, can hardly be said to be in a good place. He does nothing about Saudi attacks in Yemen or the plight of the 600,000 Rohingyas who fled Burma. Where he should be speaking out there is silence but he intervenes where he knows even less than his own brief, which is saying something.

And his claim that "all experts agree" the NHS needs more money was met with rolling eyeballs. All experts agreed Brexit would be a bad thing but that didn't stop him campaigning for if. The CBI has demanded we stay in the customs union but he dismissed this as making no sense. So for him to invoke the opinion of the experts he has disdained is a bit much.

Brexit is going badly and he knows it. There is no Brexit dividend. Negotiations could hardly be worse as we make concession after concession with nothing in return.

Business is getting nervous. The economy is slowing down. BoJo is worried he will be blamed for it all going wrong. I wouldn't worry if I were him. 

He will be blamed and nothing he does will prevent it.