Wednesday 24 January 2018


The way UK politicians use the EU is clear in this report in The Guardian HERE. Michael Gove tells people in Britain we will have higher standards after we leave the EU while quietly blocking them for waste recycling in Brussels before we go. Europe is a human shield for politicians, forcing them to do the wrong things while preventing them doing what is right. Or so they claim.

In fact it is usually the opposite. When our beaches, or waterways or air becomes cleaner a politician will pop up and claim the credit. If economic growth is higher because of trade with the EU they will say it's their doing. When a Japanese company opens a car plant here to take advantage of our EU membership, the EU barely get a mention.

When they don't want to do something, EU "rules" are used to avoid action or spending money.

But if any policy is unpopular, even if it results in a long term improvement to our environmental or economic or social well-being, you can be sure the EU will be blamed. And more often than not it is the UK government that implements the policy in such a way that it is more expensive or more socially difficult. Politicians don't explain EU policies because they usually don't understand them and they can afford to wait to see how they are greeted. If the reaction is good, they will step into the limelight and take the plaudits. If not, they can attacks the EU.

It's a no lose situation for them. But not for the rest of us.