Tuesday 23 January 2018


The CBI are coming under attack from Brexiteers (HERE) with Duncan-Smith even questioning whether or not there is any point in having an employers organisation at all. He says it usually gets the big decisions wrong - although I note he has to go back to 1939 for an example. I wonder if the government, or IDS himself, could say they were always right over any 79 year period?

The call by an organisation that represents 190,000 businesses for the UK to remain in the EU's customs union (HERE) has infuriated those on the extreme end of Brexit. Yet, it is masterpiece of logic. The CBI say the alternative to remaining in the CU is not proven and it isn't. The government's trade department has not even attempted to prepare a case, probably because there isn't one to be made.

The CBI point to the huge amount of trade we do with countries in the EU, which is being put at risk, and the potential increase in trade we may get by negotiating trade deals outside the EU.

Brexiteers wanted (and succeed) in getting the average voter to take Brexit on trust. They persuaded people of two things for which there is zero evidence. First that EU regulations are holding the UK back, and secondly that free of EU rules we will somehow prosper by trading more with countries thousands of miles away.

But the CBI may not be the pushover some in government think (HERE) and a group in the CBI is pushing to reverse Brexit.

Meanwhile, Michael "we don't need experts" Gove is telling people (HERE) not to heed the CBI otherwise we'll end up with a "VHS economy". Half the population won't know what he's talking about while the half that do will think he's talking rubbish anyway. I am afraid Gove is the sort of man who puts himself forward to lead us nowadays. He has no clue about anything, doesn't want to know and rejects experts because they are expert. Heaven help us.