Wednesday 10 January 2018

DAVIS COMPLAINS ABOUT THE EU - Oh dear, how sad, never mind!

Here's a laugh. David Davis, the cocky, swaggering bully, went running to teacher in tears to tell her that the EU are being nasty (HERE) and (HERE). He has written a letter to Theresa May complaining the EU are planning for a no-deal exit and putting the wind up British companies. It's alright us threatening to leave without a deal, a delegation is in Brussels today making exactly that threat (HERE), but if the EU plan for it, it's not fair. What a pathetic idiot he is.

But then what happens? The Telegraph on Sunday led with an exclusive story (read this as leaked by BoJo or someone close to him) that a minister for no deal was to be appointed in the reshuffle and it would be none other than Steve Baker. The reshuffle went badly with virtually all important posts remaining the same after some ministers refused to go.  

Next Davis' letter to the PM complaining that the EU is preparing for a no deal scenario is leaked. We are also informed Davis' department is taking legal advice about bringing a case to the ECJ (you really couldn't make this up) that the EU is somehow treating us differently, almost as if they've noticed we voted to leave in 2016.

Finally, we learn that Steve Baker is not to get a cabinet post after all and that the no deal minister is not going to be appointed. Instead Suella Fernandez is to be elevated to become a DEXEU minister. It seems she has demonstrated sufficient incompetence to be allowed to sit alongside Davis and Baker without embarrassing either of them.

The Telegraph's nose has been firmly put out of joint (HERE) and it says Brexiteers are going to be very unhappy that Baker and Davis won't now be able to play good cop, bad cop as if the Brexit negotiations are the equivalent of trying to force a confession out of a petty thief. They will only be unhappy because The Telegraph told them something that turned out not to be true.

I have news for Davis and every other Brexiteer or leave voter. Once we have left the EU and become a third country, they will be a competitor in international affairs and trade. We cannot expect any favours. In fact one can easily imagine the UK with an unofficial status lower than that of other third countries. Some are trying to get in to the EU, while we have just rejected 40 years of membership in a divisive, almost racist and xenophobic campaign when Brexiteers said a lot of very unkind and hurtful things about the EU itself. What do they expect?

You cannot gratuitously insult people, calling them concentration camp guards administering punishment beatings, and then expect them to be nice to you.

Put yourself in their position. You would want to do all you can to show that Brexit was the wrong decision. Not only would it be one in the eye for Brexiteers like Farage and BoJo but it would send a powerful message to other Eurosceptics inside the EU. They cannot afford for the UK to succeed.