Monday 22 January 2018


The 53rd poll in the series Whatukthinks has been published (HERE) and huge disappointment. It shows RIGHT is back in the lead, by 1%. This is a surprise to me I have to admit since I genuinely thought we wouldn't see right in front again - ever. But I have to admit it's a proper YouGov poll of 1672 people conducted for The Times so I can't say it's a rogue poll.

I do however think it's a blip. Out of the first 26 polls WRONG was ahead in just one. In the last 26 WRONG had led 15 times. And RIGHT has been in front just once in the last 14. 

The Telegraph obviously follow these polls but never normally report on them. Until now that is. The Saturday edition covered it with a small piece on page 7 headlined: Brexit backers top polls for first time in six months as if there was a rising trend to support Brexit, which there isn't. According to the Political Betting website, the result was driven by a significant shift in Conservative remainers, dropping from 23-24% down to 19% in the last poll.

We shall see.

I know I was wrong in predicting that Right wouldn't lead again, but it hasn't stopped me predicting things. So, here are two. First the next poll will have a substantial lead again for Wrong. Second, The Telegraph won't report it.

In another poll for The Independent (HERE), two thirds of people think the Brexit talks are going badly. This is not a surprise. But apparently 2% think they're going "very well". This is the shock. Where have they been?