Monday, 22 January 2018


This article (HERE) by Simon Heffer is a bit of an eye opener. He is as Tory as you can possibly be and a dedicated Brexiteer but his criticism of the party is excoriating. He says the Conservatives are a "wreck".  He is a close friend of that other lunatic Bernard Jenkins, which is probably where some of this stuff comes from.

He laments that the party isn't doing things other than Brexit. He and others were warned this would happen before the vote. Brexit will crush the life out of government and the Conservative party before it's finished. Departments are focused on planning at the moment but soon they will be implementing plans and will have little time to attend to all the urgent, vote losing, popularity sapping issues that bedevil every administration.

Heffer seems to think Mrs May either promoted or kept in place the wrong people in the recent reshuffle but where is the talent in party ranks that might replace the dead wood? There is only more dead wood.

The Conservatives are nearly finished. Brexit will do it. And the Conservatives aren't the only party in trouble.

To think UKIP was responsible for the referendum and perhaps altering the course of British history is just surreal. The new leader, Henry Bolton, voted into place a few months ago now has a unanimous vote of no confidence against him but refuses to step down (HERE). The last leader, Diane James, lasted  a few weeks before resigning. Steven Wolfe, the leader every expected to win at the last leadership election didn't get his nomination papers handed in on time and he was the one seen laid out on the floor in the EU parliament after a punch from fellow UKIP MEP Mike Hookham.

Cameron once described them as fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists.  Looking at this week's events, his words now look like a compliment. They haven't got a Brain cell between them.

Compare this to the praised heaped on President Macron after his interview on BBC this weekend (HERE). Even The Sun's political editor was impressed at the direct answers and the confidence. Neatly everyone contrasted Macron with our own politicians and the mealy mouthed failure to answer any questions except with meaningless mantras. And remember, he wasn't even speaking his own language!

We are truly in a mess with no politicians worthy of being called statesmen or women. How I envy France.