The Sun has a slightly eyebrow raising interview with our intrepid Trade Secretary Liam Fox (HERE) which is also being reported on the BBC, where he tells hard line Brexiteers that they are going to have to live with disappointment and accept a softer Brexit.
Apparently, David Davis was supposed to tell the provisional Brexiteer wing to pipe down and accept the parliamentary maths in his Tees Port speech last week, but he bottled it, so Fox has had to do it instead. The article also covers the forthcoming transition negotiations and quotes the Italian EU minister, Sandro Gozi, who says with impeccable logic:
"If you leave and you decide democratically to get out of the decision making process, as the Brits decided with a referendum, you can’t then be part of it”.
But this is what we want to do isn't it. Get out but remain in.
Is reality beginning to dawn? I do hope so. When The Sun covers Brexit without a lot of appalling jingoism we may be seeing a chink of light.