Monday 5 February 2018


Nick Cohen's article HERE in The Guardian is another hard hitting one. Whenever I see the likes of Bernard Jenkins, Ian Duncan-Smith, Peter Lilley, Jacob Rees-Mogg and the other mad Brexiteers it is clear to me that they speak with the certainty of religious fundamentalists. Nothing shakes their confidence or raises the slightest doubt in their mind.

Brexit will be a glorious success because it must be. Failure is not even a possibility. 

So when it does fail, when people lose their jobs and become poorer, when public services get even worse, or an economic crisis hits us, none of it will be their fault. It can't be, can it? Think about it. If Brexit is a disaster, it won't be because it was always going to be a disaster. That is simply impossible. The fault must therefore lie with someone else.

Virtually all the experts before the referendum said Brexit would harm the economy. Now after the vote when the same experts (and more) come up with the same answers they are accused not of scaremongering but of fiddling the figures.

Lord Turnbull, like Nick Cohen, likens Brexiteers to the Nazis in 1930s Germany (HERE) who accused the liberals, the socialists and communists of stabbing the German army in the back. These are equally dangerous men.

The present attacks on Remoaners, on MPs who don't believe in Brexit, on economists who forecast damage to the economy, on the judiciary and now on the entire civil service is just a foretaste of things to come. In the final analysis it will be the British people's fault. They didn't take the opportunity afforded by this great leap into the darkness known as Brexit.

The Brexiteers will not accept any blame. They were the only true believers. They offered the people a great opportunity but the people let them down. We will have betrayed Brexit.