Friday 9 February 2018


As we approach Brexit day we are likely to see practical issues coming to the fore that will affect people in palpable ways. The first one I have seen is this one HERE in The Guardian. It concerns UK issued driving licenses which the EU say will no longer be recognised after we leave. Of course, it's likely there will be an agreement on recognising each others licenses but given the Brexiteers talk of leaving without a deal this is not guaranteed. Hence, the government is rushing legislation through in the next few weeks to allow the UK to become a signatory to the 1968 Vienna UN Convention on Road Traffic (HERE).

It appears that commercial transport businesses will have to register trailers whatever happens. The Vienna convention requires drivers of certain trailers to seek a separate vehicle registration when travelling abroad. The government has said this will be mandatory for commercial drivers and larger non-commercial drivers, and voluntary for smaller caravans and horse boxes.

Apparently this is a beaurocratic nightmare and the Freight Transport Association seems to be getting increasingly agitated. This is what James Hookham the deputy chief executive of the Freight Transport Association said:

“The extra time and hassle if you have a fleet of several thousand trailers would be tremendous,” 

As we approach Brexit day more and more of these everyday tangible issues that impact the life and work of thousands and perhaps millions of people will become clear and people will begin to finally understand the impact of Brexit.